welcome to the new anuuma.com - let's heal

The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora. 

Meet Anuuma Earth

This is my life’s work and I’ve spent years studying, practicing, and mastering nearly every aspect of physical, mental, and spiritual holistic healing - and I will continue to do so.

Hi! I’m Anuuma. I’m a Medicine Woman & Master Herbalist who helps women + vulva owners heal & discover natural healing through the power of sacred plant medicine. When I embarked on my own journey toward a more natural life (over a decade ago), I soon realized it went so much deeper than just remedying my physical body. As I reconnected to the wild & sacred spirit of the earth, the plants began to talk to me… and I discovered my divine purpose: to show my community the path to sacred healing by passing on the knowledge of our ancestors.

Knowledge that has unfortunately been abused and forgotten.

Having healed myself of the physical: chronic yeast, vaginal cysts, sexual trauma… the mental: abuse, shame, fear… and the spiritual: domestication, programming, disconnection from source, and so much more, I am devoted to empowering my community by showing them how to heal themselves from the inside out, instead of relying on a broken racist system that often traumatizes more than it helps. 

As my years of being a teacher increase, my passion to deepen my studies and practice increases. I am forever a student of life and will never stop learning, studying, or practicing my craft. my mission is mastery.

This path inspires me to continue to deepen my knowledge daily. I hold more certifications than I can count on my fingers in everything from spiritual counseling to yin yoga, plus I’m a professionally trained Chef (yup, I graduated from Culinary School many years ago), Reiki Master, and Holistic Nutritionist.

I pour all my knowledge into everything I do. Weaving all of my sacred experiences, initiations, and ancestral wisdom into alchemizing sacred herbal medicine, hosting powerful healing retreats, and sharing everything I know through holistic education. If any of this resonates with you, consider this your sacred invitation to join me on this journey.

I launched the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program™, a sacred educational journey for women who feel divinely called to follow this path. More magic is on the way, including the return of in-person retreats, new course offerings, sacred texts, and the most potent sacred offering yet, an entirely new medicine collection for everything from Herpes to Fibroids, PCOS & more.


In August I launched Goddess Wash, a sacred feminine cleanser handcrafted in divine ritual. Brewed with organic antibacterial herbs and quartz crystals, this extremely potent concoction complimented and expanded the top selling dynamic duo that is Queen's Wash & Queen's Oil.


This is where my journey really began: I created my first sacred offering - rooted in the magic of plants, a desire for truly natural living & a holistic spiritual lifestyle that elevated all who encountered it. Over 7 years we built an incredible community of like-minded women invested in their own healing.


After the birth of my first daughter, I experienced a radical rebirthing of my own and stepped into my divine purpose as Anuuma, closing my first business with a deep sense of gratitude and allowing spirit to guide the rebirth of what later that became Anuuma Apothecary & Anuuma Academy (Now the Institute of Ancestral Medicine) into the world.


The Evolution of Anuuma 

Everything is Medicine Monthly Membership

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Learn how to find and use the medicine in everything in life and heal any and all aspects of your life, holistically - with sacred community.

Interested in learning about healing holistically, but not sure where to start? Join me in everything is medicine. 

Ways to
Work with Me

Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program

Generational Curses are being broken by the next generation of Medicine Women. 

Truth is, we don't pass down generational dis-eases. We pass down trauma, diet, and lifestyle. Constant sickness, drugs, and chronic imbalances are not normal. In this program, we teach you how to address the root cause, so that you and your clients can heal for good. 

We don't suppress symptoms.

Gone are the days where we have to depend on a racist system, medical “care” that wasn’t made for us, drugs that simply pacify symptoms, or “genetics” to determine the fate of our health. In the Ancestral Medicine Woman, we take our healing and the healing of the collective into our own hands.

In the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program, We take our healing and the healing of the collective into our own hands.

SLOW with Anuuma Earth Mastermind


In SLOW - Your Spirit-Led Odyssey to Wealth - Anuuma guides you through building (or rebuilding) a sustainable, profitable, fulfilling, spirit-led business that supports you, your true nature, and your life’s purpose while honoring your spiritual journey. 

No burnout is required to achieve true wealth, only great intention and a desire to make a difference in the world. I walk you through it all, in SLOW. Building a business can be ease-filled, fun, fulfilling, profitable, AND impactful. Come learn how.

Spiritual people are not meant to be poor. Let go of hustling your way to 6 or 7 figures. Stop doing sleazy tactics that are out of alignment in order to run a “successful business”.


apply to work 1:1 with anuuma

Anuuma's 1:1 Wellness Coaching Program is a 6-month Transformational Experience that will heal you, grow you, and change your life in ways that you did not know were possible. 

Anuuma has helped her clients heal from everything from auto-immune diseases, chronic imbalances, mental health disorders, reproductive health and infertility issues, obesity, asthma, allergies, and so much more. 

If you're ready to achieve your greatest health in all areas of life and want expert support, guidance, and coaching, this is the program for you. 

Ready to have your greatest transformation and heal A major health issue while drastically improving your overall life holistically? 

Work with
Anuuma 1:1 

Anuuma Apothecary

Experience the sacred herbal medicine that has helped thousands heal. Made slowly, in ritual, with great intentions. Master Herbalist and Medicine Woman made and formulated. 

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